Acquisitions an essential part of our strategy
We are always open to discuss potential business investments. Lifco requires two things from an investment:
- It should generate growth with good profitability or answer to a strategic need
- The risk Lifco has to carry on should be limited
Businesses we will consider to invest in should meet these criteria:
- Stable business
- Leading in its niche
- An attractive position in the value chain without being dependent on specific suppliers or customers
- Limited or no exposure to technological risk
- Documented profitability
- Conduct a sustainable business
We may decide to make an acquisition even if the five first criteria have not been met if the company offers attractive strategic or financial opportunities. We do not acquire companies which are considered to violate the UN Global Compact’s principles on human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. Nor do we acquire companies which manufacture or sell weapons, alcohol, tobacco, fossil fuels or uranium, sell, distribute or produce pornography, games or fast-moving consumer goods or extract minerals.
New holdings keep their independence
Our susidiaries have a high degree of independence. We believe that this is a foundation for the nurturing of an entrepreneurial spirit. As long-term owners, we basically never sell a company. Our businesses stay independent and decisions are taken by local management. We do not impose synergies or integration and we are proud of the fact that we have never moved a business to another place. We believe in incremental and continous development and do not look for big shake-outs. Our culture is based on simplicity, common sense and minimised bureaucracy. Our managers and employees are also long-term and tend to stay forever which we believe is good for the businesses.
Contact us with your ideas
If you want to discuss a potential investment case do not hesitate to contact us.