Board of Directors
Carl Bennet
Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2000
Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
Born in 1951.
B.Sc. in Business Administration, Ph.D h.c. (Med.), Ph.D. h.c. (Tech.), Ph.D h.c. (Econ.)
Current posts: CEO Carl Bennet AB. Deputy Chairman of the Board of Arjo AB, Elanders AB and Getinge AB. Director of L E Lundbergföretagen AB.
Previous posts: President and CEO of Getinge.
Shareholding through companies: 30,379,850 Class A shares, 197,502,023 Class B shares.
Nationality: Swedish
Ulrika Dellby
Director since 2015
Member of the Audit Committee
Born in 1966.
M.Sc. in Business Administration
Current posts: Chairman of Fasadgruppen Group AB. Vice Chairman of BICO AB. Director of Elanders AB, the Royal Dramatic Theatre, Linc AB, Werksta Nordic AB and the Business Executives Council of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering.
Previous posts: Partner of Fagerberg & Dellby Fond I AB and of The Boston Consulting Group, CEO of Brindfors Enterprise IG (now Brand Union), Vice Chairman of Norrporten, Director of Cybercom Group AB, Kavli Holding AS, SJ AB and other companies.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 65,000 Class B shares and 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Dan Frohm
Vice Chairman
Director since 2020
Member of the Audit Committee
Born in 1981.
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management
Current posts: Chairman of the Board of Elanders AB and Director of Arjo AB, Carl Bennet AB, Getinge AB and the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. CEO of DF Advisory LLC.
Previous posts: Management consultant at Applied Value LLC in New York.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 253,090 Class B shares and 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Erik Gabrielson
Director since 2001
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Born in 1962.
Current posts: Lawyer and partner, Advokatfirman Vinge. Chairman of Allegresse AB, Eldan Recycling A/S and Redoma Recycling AB. Director of Carl Bennet AB, Elanders AB, ECG Vignoble AB, ECG Vinivest AB and Zutec Holding AB.
Previous posts: Director of Advokatfirman Vinge AB, Advokatfirman Vinge Skåne AB, Generic Sweden AB, Rosengård Invest AB and Storegate AB.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Ulf Grunander
Director since 2015
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Born in 1954.
M.Sc. in Economics and Business
Current posts: Chairman of the Board of Djurgården Hockey AB and Episurf Medical AB. Director of Arjo AB.
Previous posts: CFO the Getinge Group. Director of AMF Fonder AB and AMF Tjänstepension AB.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 14,000 Class B shares and 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Anna Hallberg
Director since 2024
Member of the Audit Committee
Born in 1963.
Education in law and business administration
Current posts: Director of Elanders AB, Stena Metall AB and Stiftelsen Korsvägen.
Previous posts: Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Trade and Minister with responsibility for Nordic issues 2019-2022. Deputy CEO at Almi Företagspartner 2007-2018. Before that, she held senior positions within SEB. Member of Lifco’s board and its audit committee 2017–2019.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 7,350 Class B shares.
Nationality: Swedish
Caroline af Ugglas
Director since 2020
Member of the Audit Committee
Born in 1958.
M.Sc. in Economics and Business
Current posts: Director of Beijer Alma AB, Bilia AB, Spiltan Invest AB and Trapets AB.
Previous posts: Deputy CEO of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Head of Equities at Livförsäkrings AB Skandia and Director of Acando, ACQ Bure, AMF, Connecta, Lindab and Latour.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 5,000 Class B shares and 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Axel Wachtmeister
Director since 2006
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Born in 1951.
M.Sc. in Engineering
Previous posts: Director of Sorb Industri AB and Troponor AB.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 81,000 Class B shares and 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Per Waldemarson
Director since 2019
CEO and President
Employed 2006
Born in 1977.
M.Sc. in Business Administration
Current posts outside Lifco: –
Previous posts: Deputy CEO Lifco, Head of Business Area Dental, CEO Brokk AB, Management Consultant Bain & Co.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 513,500 Class B shares, 205,000 Class B shares through a pension plan and 87,412 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
Anders Lindström
Employee representative, LO
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: –
Nationality: Swedish
Tobias Nordin
Employee representative, PTK
Born in 1983. Elected in 2022. Employed at Brokk.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: –
Nationality: Swedish
Lina Juslin
Employee representative, deputy, PTK
Born in 1980. Elected in 2023. Employed at Indexator AB.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: –
Nationality: Swedish
Sofia Sandström
Employee representative, deputy, LO
Born in 1980. Elected in 2023. Employed at LEAB.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: –
Nationality: Swedish
Audit committee
Ulf Grunander, Chairman
Ulrika Dellby
Dan Frohm
Anna Hallberg
Caroline af Ugglas
The audit committee will, without influencing the Board of Directors’ responsibilities and tasks, monitor Lifco’s financial reporting, internal control, internal audits and risks, be informed about the audit of the annual report and the Group annual report, scrutinize and monitor the auditor’s fairness and independence and pay special attention to cases where the auditor provides the Company with other services than auditing, and assist in preparing the election of auditors at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders.
Remuneration committee
Carl Bennet, Chairman
Erik Gabrielson
Axel Wachtmeister
The remuneration committee will prepare proposals regarding remuneration policy, compensation and other terms of employment applicable to the CEO and senior management.
Independence in relation to
Name | Position | The Company & group management | Major owner |
Carl Bennet | Chairman | Yes | No |
Ulrika Dellby | Director | Yes | Yes |
Dan Frohm | Director | Yes | No |
Erik Gabrielson | Director | Yes | No |
Ulf Grunander | Director | Yes | Yes |
Anna Hallberg | Director | Yes | Yes |
Caroline af Ugglas | Director | Yes | Yes |
Axel Wachtmeister | Director | Yes | Yes |
Per Waldemarson | Director | No | Yes |
1 The synthetic options are issued by Carl Bennet AB.