Group Management Team

Per Waldemarson
President and CEO
Born in 1977. Appointed in 2019. Hired in 2006.
M.Sc. in Economics and Business
Previous posts: Deputy CEO Lifco, Head of Business Area Dental, CEO Brokk AB, Management Consultant Bain & Co.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 513,500 Class B shares, 280,000 Class B shares through a pension plan and 87,412 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish

Therése Hoffman
Chief Financial Officer
Born in 1971. Appointed in 2011. Hired in 2007.
High School Economist, International Marketing
Previous posts: CFO at Nordenta AB.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 1,500 Class B shares and 10,926 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish

Head of Business Area Systems Solutions
Born in 1972. Appointed in 2019. Hired in 2008.
M.Sc. in Engineering, Ph.D.
Previous posts: CEO Proline Group, CEO Leab Group, senior positions at Note.
Own and related parties’ shareholdings: 203,000 Class B shares, 57,250 Class B shares through a pension plan and 43,706 synthetic call options1.
Nationality: Swedish
1 The synthetic options are issued by Carl Bennet AB.